Falk Feddersen: Observational Seminar Spring 2018 (SIO 219)

PO Obs Seminar Spring 2018a

SIO 219 Section 833060, 1 unit S/U
Professor Falk Feddersen
falk at coast.ucsd.edu
Phone: 858.534.4345
Office: 2nd floor CCS - blue door with sticker that says Quit Beefin, Eat Lobstah

Meetings Friday 12:00pm, OAR Conference Room

Description The broad theme of the observational seminar this quarter will coastal sub-mesoscale processes. That is, processes with length-scales of a few km or smaller from the shoreline to the shelf break. Here coastal means small islands as well as continental coasts. We can also include general sub-mesoscale processes or coastal processes by themselves. In particular, oceanic submesoscale processes will inform coastal ones. Of course, the coast has sloping bathymetry and a boundary which induces extra sources of spatial and temporal varibility. It is anticipated that these seminar will be germane to the NASCAR, FLEAT, and Innershelf DRI programs. Processes can include intrinsic shelf variability, internal waves, fronts, wakes, topographic driven flows, Langmuir circulation, surface gravity wave driven processes. Each week the first half of class will consist of student-led presentations of a key papers in the field, followed by a hopefully broad and energetic discussion by all present. Though students are encouraged to formally register for the class, collegial participation by interested post-docs and PIs is highly welcome.

Course Requirements Students should register as S/U. Students will be expected to present at least one paper during the quarter and participate in the discussion each week. To encourage thoughtfull discussion, registered students will be asked to submit a hand-written question or comment on the paper prior to the commencement of the discussion.

Presenters and Papers will be posted here
  • April 6: organizing
  • April 13: Xiaodong Wu: Suzuki et al., Surface waves affect frontogenesis, JGR doi:10.1002/2015JC011563, 2016. link
  • April 20: Mike Kovatch: Canals et al., 2007, Tilted Baroclinic Tidal Vorticies, JPO, https://doi.org/10.1175/2008JPO3954.1
  • April 27: Celia Ou: Warner, S. and P. MacCready, 2014, The dynamics of pressure and form drag on a sloping headland: Internal waves versus eddies, JGR, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2013JC009757/abstract
  • May 4: Derek Grimes: Ryan J. Moniz, Derek A. Fong, C. Brock Woodson, Susan K. Willis, Mark T. Stacey, and Stephen G. Monismith, 2014: Scale-Dependent Dispersion within the Stratified Interior on the Shelf of Northern Monterey Bay. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 10doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-12-0229.1 link
  • May 11: Luke Kachelein: Kim, S. Y., B. D. Cornuelle, E. J. Terrill (2010) Decomposing observations of high‐frequency radar‐derived surface currents by their forcing mechanisms: Decomposition techniques and spatial structures of decomposed surface currents, JGR Oceans, link
  • May 18: off week
  • May 25: Isa Arzeno: Scully, M., et al., Characterization and Modulation of Langmuir Circulation in Chesapeake Bay, JPO, 2015 https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/JPO-D-14-0239.1
  • June 1: Olavo Marques: Brink, K.H., 2016, Continental Shelf Baroclinic Instability. Part I: Relaxation from Upwelling or Downwelling, JPO, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-15-0047.1
  • June 8: Andre Paloczy: Gula et al, 2016, Topographic generation of submesoscale centrifugal instability and energy dissipation, Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/ncomms12811.
Potential Papers Include (feel free to provide suggestions)

Modern Submesoscale with Waves and LatMix influence Barotropic and Baroclinic: Headland or Island Interactions & Wakes Inner-shelf Langmuir
  • Walker et al., Large-Eddy Simulation of a Coastal Ocean under the Combined Effects of Surface Heat Fluxes and Full-Depth Langmuir Circulation, JPO, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-15-0168.1
Internal Waves and Turbulence Dispersion
  • Romero et al., Characterizing storm water dispersion and dilution from small coastal streams, JGR, doi:10.1002/2015JC011323, 2016. link.
  • Ryan J. Moniz, Derek A. Fong, C. Brock Woodson, Susan K. Willis, Mark T. Stacey, and Stephen G. Monismith, 2014: Scale-Dependent Dispersion within the Stratified Interior on the Shelf of Northern Monterey Bay. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 10doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-12-0229.1 link
  • Romero, Simulations of Nearshore Particle-Pair Dispersion in Southern California, JPO, 2013, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-13-011.1
Andre's ideas

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at falk@coast.ucsd.edu.

  • Spring 2015 Observational Seminar on Dispersion Link
  • Spring 2014 Observational Seminar on Coastal Processes Link